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Scientific drawing Credit Estelle Cruz 2023


Upcoming conferences, exhibitions and arts-science research projects in France, Europe and Southeast Asia



Individual and group exhibitions in France, Europe and Southeast Asia. Presentation of arts-science works in partnership with scientific institutions and associations.



From scientific expedition to art drawing

Solo show - Galerie Houg, France

46 rue Auguste Comte - Lyon 2nd

07/1/2024 to 07/27/2024

Opening on 4.07.2024 in the presence of the artist and scientific partners

by Estelle Cruz




Learn to draw from specimens

In parallel with the exhibition - From scientific expedition to art drawing - at the Houg gallery from July 1 to 27 in Lyon, three scientific drawing workshops are organized at 46 rue Auguste Comte - Lyon 2nd. Come and learn about botany, entomology or even ornithology by drawing species from specimens. Courses given by Estelle Cruz in duo with the LPO, the AsPIB and Arthropologia.

  • Insectes, coléoptères, papillons
    Insectes, coléoptères, papillons
    Thu, Jul 11
    Red Room / Galerie Houg
    Jul 11, 2024, 5:30 PM – 8:30 PM
    Red Room / Galerie Houg, 46 Rue Auguste Comte, 69002 Lyon, France
    Initiez vous à l'entomologie grâce au dessin scientifique ! Apprenez à dessiner et reconnaitre colléoptères, papillons, abeilles et libéllules ! Initiation en partenariat avec l'association Arthropologia et la Galerie Houg à Lyon.
  • Plantes, feuilles, fleurs
    Plantes, feuilles, fleurs
    Sat, Jul 06
    Red Room
    Jul 06, 2024, 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
    Red Room, 46 Rue Auguste Comte, 69002 Lyon, France
    Initiez vous à la botanique grâce au dessin scientifique ! Apprenez à dessiner et reconnaitre les plantes à fleurs de nos rues Lyonnaises ! Initiation en partenariat avec l'association AsPIB et la Galerie Houg à Lyon.
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